Project Extension

We are happy to announce that the project is expanding to other African countries:

 - Malawi, Zambia, Ghana, Zimbabwe

Special thanks for your help and effort to expand this project:

- Robert Mhango from Karonga, Malawi

- Jimmy Mzilahowa from Karonga, Malawi

- Takudzwa Ashley Mlambo from Harare, Zimbabwe

These organizations and companies will be involved in our project:

1. ECO PEOPLE, Slovakia -

2. TWESA In Community Development Karonga

3. Shaibu Fuseini, Ghana

4. Feed a Child Foundation, Zambia

5. Rumphi TTC, Malawi


7.  Agroforestry and Innovation at Forestry & Citrus Research (FACIR)

Ing. Eva Černáková, +421 944 783,
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