Lilongwe, Malawi, Africa

Lilongwe is the capital city of Malawi, Africa. In the city is located is the Lilongwe Nature Sanctuary and Wildlife Centre. This sanctuary shelters rescued and injured animals, including lions, monkeys and crocodiles. Lilongwe is sometimes referred to as the green city because of its well tendered gardens and abundant trees, exotic and indigenous. Must See in Lilongwe Lilongwe Nature Sanctuary Lilongwe Wildlife Centre, Botanical gardens War Memorial Park and Kamuzu Mausoleum, Kumbali Cultural Village and Permaculture Centre Mbona Shrine and Entertainment Joints Dzalanyama Forest and Malingunde dam Agri-tourism.

We want to build the New Lilongwe Botanical Garden and Seed Museum in collaboration with the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources. It will be used to display edible, useful and medicinal plants and trees. The garden will serve as a source of seeds and plants for the community. The garden will also serve as a place of mutual tolerance and understanding. It will be used for educational purposes.

Managers project:

Ing. Eva Černáková, OZ EKO ĽUDIA, Slovakia

Ing. Eva Černáková, +421 944 783,
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