Ing. Eva Černáková, Košice, Slovakia, Europe
An avid ecologist, lover of Slovak nature, tourist, promoter of the Climate Plan for Košice and the world, promoter of new botanical gardens around the world, promoter of ocean and sea protection.
Diamantová 8, 040 11, Košice, Slovakia
+421 944 290 783
Robert Mhango, Karonga, Malawi, Africa
Exective Director, Mtuli Foundation
Jimmy Mzilahowa, Karonga, Malawi, Africa
Executive Director, TWESA In Community Development Karonga
Takudzwa Ashley Mlambo, Harare, Zimbabwe
Founder and Head of Agroforestry and Innovation at Forestry & Citrus Research (FACIR). The Greater Green Project - initiative aims to facilitate the planting and monitoring of 1 billion trees in Zimbabwe by 2030.