Karonga, Malawi, Africa
Karonga is located in Northern Region of Malawi, Africa. Located on the western shore of Lake Malawi. It has an interesting but turbulent history as a centre for the notorious nineteenth century slave trade. The town is also now home to the interesting 'Cultural & Museum Centre Karonga' (CMCK) which covers cultural history and the recent archeological finds of dinosaur and homind bones.
We have been building the new Mbande Botanical Garden in Karonga since 2021. It will be used to show edible, useful and medicinal plants and trees. The garden will serve as a source of seeds and plants for the community. The garden will also serve as a place of mutual tolerance and understanding. It will be used for educational purposes.
We are opening the botanical garden in 2024.
Managers project:
Ing. Eva Černáková, OZ EKO ĽUDIA, Slovakia
Jimmy Mzilahowa, TWESA In Community Development, Karonga, Malawi
Robert Mhango and Team, Karonga, Malawi