Basic Building Blocks

I have prepared the basic building blocks of guaranteed success for us:

1. Mutual cooperation and respect for each other always has a rich harvest of long-term friendship and mutual support.

2. Any help and support from the public is always welcome.

3. Trees of happiness and peace always bring shade, water, oxygen, beauty, health, edible and tasty fruits.

4. Mandalas of happiness and peace - all plants and trees grow better and thrive in a circle, better conditions are created for them. They bring abundance and wealth to those who believe in miracles. It really works.

5. Every effort to build a beautiful, healthy and ecological garden will always bring benefit and abundance to everyone.

6. Water belongs to every garden - stream, pond, well, lake, fountain.

7. Compost belongs to every garden.

8. This project is part of the Climate Plan for Košice and the world.

9. Art and works of art belong in every garden - sculptures, paintings, living jewels.

10. I recommend growing these trees and plants:

Ing. Eva Černáková, +421 944 783,
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